> india region
> your starters are Grimer, or Grimer-Alolan.
> there is no professor, because nobody there is smart enough to become anything better than a telescammer
> speaking of telescammers, that's one of the 2 evil teams, Team Phone.
> the other evil team is Team Caste, who is holding back their entire nation from progressing because they're too addicted to all the free benefits that their shitty fairy-tale religion gives them.
> speaking of religion, there are 9001 new legendaries, to represent how Hindus invent about 400 new gods per day. all of these legendaries have shit stats & look like rejected Power Rangers villains.
> because the entire region is infested with poison types, a new type is added:
L O O - T Y P E !
> Loo-Type is strong against poison, fairy, & grass because fucking everything is strong against grass FFS, But it's weak against ghost & dragon types.
> due to the sheer abundance of poison types & shitskin pajeets, Loo-Types are INCREDIBLY powerful for the campaign. however, they're VERY Rare.
> you can't surf in the rivers. attempting to do so will instantly kill your pokemon due to the pollution.
> instead of HM's or Ride Pagers, you just have to bribe the ""Police"" to do shit for you.
pre-order PokéMon LOO Version & PokéMon WHEEL Version today!!