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305KiB, 720x720, kotobukiya-artfx-j-pokemon-series-cynthia-with-garchomp-figure.jpg
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I kinda felt like since they were doing so much to make it original DP and not even platinum (except for Shaymin and Rotom forms) in the game at all until nat dex, That they should get rid of hidden abilities too But don't believe that's happening as they're kind of a huge deal But like you know the hidden ability for every Pokemon is like 99% the best ability for competitive battles and it would be cool to see some fuckin Inner Focus Dragonite, Poison Heal Breloom, etc. Running around Altho inner focus dnite does see occasional VGC play even today.
But yeah with hidden abilities I've had like the MOST annoying time figuring out "damn can I Earthquake their Gengar or nah," but so many hidden abilities are must haves like Politoed's Drizzle, Greninja/Cinderace protean/libero, Venusaur chlorophyll, Ho-oh/Toxapex/Slowbro Regenerator, Those pokemon like Gengar and Dragonite with multiple competitive viable abilities are so few and far between that like everything you catch during the main campaign is worthless cause now you gotta do Max Raids or Dream World or Pal Park or Friend Safari or PokeRadar to get them with hidden abilities I don't think hidden abilities were a mistake per se but it made a lot of Pokemon totally worthless until the Ability Patch came out.
Super important for those legends.
There's no official way to enjoy old fashioned Pokemon anymore except lgpe "kind of" is reminiscent of gen 1 but there's still megas and Alolan forms and fairies running around
>Tl;Dr: even though it's the same "Pokemon" that were originally available up to Diamond and Pearl, they're still gonna have crazy new moves like flip turn and grassy glide and moonblast, still gonna have fairy types, still gonna have hidden abilities, new held items like seeds/heavy duty boots, AND maybe even team preview for wifi battles so the whole picking a lead Strat might be gone from gen 4 as well.
But yeah with hidden abilities I've had like the MOST annoying time figuring out "damn can I Earthquake their Gengar or nah," but so many hidden abilities are must haves like Politoed's Drizzle, Greninja/Cinderace protean/libero, Venusaur chlorophyll, Ho-oh/Toxapex/Slowbro Regenerator, Those pokemon like Gengar and Dragonite with multiple competitive viable abilities are so few and far between that like everything you catch during the main campaign is worthless cause now you gotta do Max Raids or Dream World or Pal Park or Friend Safari or PokeRadar to get them with hidden abilities I don't think hidden abilities were a mistake per se but it made a lot of Pokemon totally worthless until the Ability Patch came out.
Super important for those legends.
There's no official way to enjoy old fashioned Pokemon anymore except lgpe "kind of" is reminiscent of gen 1 but there's still megas and Alolan forms and fairies running around
>Tl;Dr: even though it's the same "Pokemon" that were originally available up to Diamond and Pearl, they're still gonna have crazy new moves like flip turn and grassy glide and moonblast, still gonna have fairy types, still gonna have hidden abilities, new held items like seeds/heavy duty boots, AND maybe even team preview for wifi battles so the whole picking a lead Strat might be gone from gen 4 as well.