>>48686749I mean Unfezant isn't a Gen V copy, it's just another regional bird like Noctowl, Swellow, Staraptor, Talonflame, Toucannon and Corviknight, it's a recurring theme in every generation, the other examples used here are more specific to Gen V itself. Personally I'd say a more suitable six would be;
> Poliwrath vs Seismitoad> Machamp vs Conkeldurr> Golem vs Gigalith> Golbat vs Swoobat> Tentacruel vs Jellicent> Chansey vs AudinoThere are a number of other possible candidates but I wouldn't include them;;
> Pikachu vs EmolgaEvery generation has a Pika-clone
> Persian vs LiepardMost generations have a Cat'mon (Delcatty, Purugly, Meowstic)
> Butterfree/Beedrill vs Leavanny/ScolipedeEvery generation has early game Regional Bugs
> Omastar/Kabutops vs Carracosta/ArcheopsMost generations have a pair of Fossils (Cradily/Armaldo, Bastiodon/Rampardos, Aurorus/Tyrantrum)
> Weezing/Muk vs GarbodorWould be reasonable however Swalot also fits into this group of mono-Poison Pokemon introduced in odd generations associated with toxic waste
> Alakazam vs Gothitelle/ReuniclusRelationship between them isn't nearly as definite as the Machamp or Golem matchups
> Parasect vs AmoongussEvery odd generation so far has introduced a Grass-Type Mushroom Pokemon that evolves once (Breloom, Shiinotic)
> Gengar vs ChandelureSame as the Alakazam matchup
> Tauros vs BouffalantLike the Garbodor matchup this could be reasonable although the presence of Miltank does muddy it since it's not a strict Gen I to Gen V
> Dragonite vs HydreigonEvery generation has Psuedo Legendaries
> Mew vs Victini/MeloettaMost generations have the 600BST Pixie (Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Shaymin, Diancie, Magearna)
You can certainly include the Hitmonchan & Hitmonlee matchup but it's kinda boring having three Fighting to Fighting matchups.