>>48703554Old Lucas had a serious expression, arm extended forward, exuding confidence. Now while the pose is similar, his arm looks more like he's flexing his non-existent muscle while he's smiling instead. He looks like a kid looking at himself in the mirror thinking his arm grew bigger because he ate his vegetables
Similarly, Barry before had a focused expression, all limbs at the ready, looking like an autistic kid prepared for battle which matches his character perfectly. But now he's smiling instead of his focused expression and his pose is more rigid than before. He genuinely looks like a kid trying to imitate old Barry's pose, rather than it being his natural pose, similar to kids trying to "throw" Kamehamehas on playgrounds.
Roark and the female Team Galactic Grunt are looking off into the distance for some reason, instead of looking at you like all trainers do.
Cynthia's neutral expression has been replaced with a smirk which doesn't fit her character at all.