>>48724236In order from best to worst
>UnovaThe only region where most if not all the gym leaders bothered to do anything. We can talk about their designs and their team comps as much as we like, but it doesn't mean shit if they let terrorists use legendary pokemon. Best Unova gym leader would be Elesa for me, and the worst of them would be the waiters.
>KantoI feel like the kanto gym leaders have an advantage of the time gap, which allows us to see them change more as characters. We see Misty get a boyfriend, Koga get a promotion and Blaine lose his entire city. Best for Kanto is probably Koga and Giovanni for me, worst would be Brock if I only went via game content.
>HoennWhile Hoenn didn;t have too many of their leaders do stuff outside of their gyms, I feel like this is where they really started dipping their toes. Great designs, but I feel like thats an empty compliment since most gym leaders look cool. Best is probably Norman for being a father or the twins for using the double battle format. Worst is probably Brawly since the surfer dude is a fighter type.
>GalarGalar is held back by one thing. The exclusive gym leaders. Now I love their designs and their personalities, but since these characters are literally replaceable with each other, it takes away the impact of them. I would love to see the missing minor league leaders. Best is Raihan and Piers, and worst is the exclusives. The problem wouldn't exist if they were shown in the other versions but say that their minor league leaders. Let them give TMs with their own flavor text.