>>48745150>you're just swapping bodies around in your immediate party.Reductionism is saying "just avoid trainers bro" and "just rotate a team bro".
>And yet the most efficient way to play is by training up one or two Pokemon and blasting through everythingPeople don't play for efficiency, people play for fun. Using a team of 6 is fun. Training up individual Pokemon is fun.
>what's training up another few Pokemon?Impersonal, since that Pokemon is only on my team to soak up EXP and not because I actually want to use them.
> Trainers are just obstaclesAnd you're accusing me of reductionism? This is the same "characters are just functions" argument when it comes to fighting games, lol.
> Even things like SMT's difficulty settings often don't actually make the game harderSo the argument is shifting from "JRPGs don't have difficulty settings" to "JRPG difficulty settings don't do anything"?
Even if games don't have a normal/easy/hard section on the starting screen, they still generally give players an INGAME way of adjusting things, something Pokemon used to have but removed for no good reason.
The fucked up thing is I don't even hate EXP share as is, I just want the option to turn it off, you're fighting with me over a fucking on/off switch.
>seems like people have nuzlocked SwSh or even BDSP just fineDid you miss the part where SWSH is on record the easiest nuzlocke by far?
>No, stop trying to obfuscate the point dishonestly.But I'm not, EXP in other games is given to the characters who fight, other JRPGs have the entire party fight, while Pokemon has 1v1 fights. If Pokemon had everyone fighting at once, like say, Earthbound, then yeah, EXP All makes sense, but that's not how Pokemon works.
>Are people who don't EV grind just 'avoiding gameplay' too? Once again, are you trying to argue sitting in Mt. Moon, grinding hundreds of Zubats for speed EVs, is the same as someone fighting trainers placed on a route?