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No.48755088 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Heart Gold and Soul Silver set the bar too damn high.

They applied just the right level of modernization while keeping the classic GSC experience intact. It isn't simply the case that they included pieces of Crystal, either, as many fans will say.They took it several steps further. Modern features from the DS era were included. Between Gens 2 and 4, we got the Physical/Special split, an overhauled storage system, new berry mechanics, Natures, Abilities, Double Battles, Wireless play and so on. All of this alone might have been enough to make the game worth revisiting, since the old games are so...Well, old. But it doesn't stop there. The game arguably utilizes the DS to an even greater extent than DP, with the 2nd screen acting as the game's UI. You can pretty much use it for everything; talking to NPCs, the Auto-Run toggle, Key Item toggles, accessing your menus, Itemfinder, and using the Poke-Gear. Aside from just being a nice, comprehensive UI, it's also great for preserving the face buttons of your system (since you don't have to keep mashing or holding down buttons). Then of course there's all the extra stuff that nobody expected or asked for, like following Pokemon, the GB Sounds, ambient noise in the overworld, the Pokeathlon Dome...There's so much SOUL. So much that Morimoto's colleagues told him to slow down. To which he famously replied "It's more than just a remake".

It's no wonder Morimoto never directed again.