>>48772522Way to read my next post where I explicitly state that RS and BW did this well, and the other games don't lol. That supports my point that they're just being lazy because they've literally shown us that they can make good first editions with polish.
>>48772518Bro I like literally explained why that stuff was an issue. Do you just want me to repeat my post again?
>how does the wild area make the game feel like a disjointed messWhen you play the game, there's two very distinct sections to the game. The wild area and the linear corridors that go from town to town. When you have half of a game that's hyper linear and half of a game that's very open and not tied to story progression, you get a disjointed game that's doing two things at once.
>catching pokemon and battling is literally nothing to do?I mean yeah. Compare it to the wild area where you can go on raids, hunt for items, breed Pokemon, and giving you a reason to continue exploring the wild area due to the varying spawns based off weather. The story bits have you fight 3 trainers and catch 5 different Pokemon. Woo? Past games gave you little side paths between your goals that you were free to do while progressing the story.
>where's the problem with content being locked in wild areaAs I explicitly stated, if a player wants to enjoy the story while doing some of the content, they're forced to come to a grinding halt and meander about the Wild Area to do the extra content that it offers. On the other hand, if a player wants to do the fun Wild Area content, they're forced to run through linear corridors in order to get back to the fun stuff. Again, these things were intertwined in previous games, so it would blend as an experience instead of being a very clear disjoint between open and linear.
>like in RS and DPWhich don't have cutscenes that drag on because of character animations.
>no one can name any flaws in XYAre you 12