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No.48799963 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
They were honestly never that bad.

I know some people are only just realising this in the wake of the BDSP car crash, but these games were always good.

They just weren't excellent like HGSS. The lack of Battle Frontier and Game Corner (or at least fitting replacements) made the remakes feel like less effort had gone in than in HGSS, which ultimately is true. But that does not make ORAS trash by any metric.

FRLG never gets any shit because they were the first remakes, but those games were pretty much just a graphical update to Gen I with only the Sevii Islands added. This is pretty much the same amount of new content that ORAS received with the Delta Episode.

ORAS also had incredible music remakes like HGSS did. The same can't really be said for FRLG and BDSP.

Glad to see ORAS is slowly starting to get some recognition now.