I was a debugger on
https://pokemon-world-online.comWe ripped off GBA and made it MMORPG.
Bugs were hard to catch on the PhPBB forums because no one thought of putting in a "Just post the fucking error here" thread, till I did.
Found a glitch in the map? Screencap it or post where it was, and I'll mark "fixed" next to your reply.
Admin froze my thread, hid it, then plagiarized it in a exact copy in her name.
I emailed the webadmin, saying get my fucking shit back from that bitch. I was a youngmadlad.
I get banned for cursing at webadmin.
Other Dev sees this and hacks their server, letting us make international calls through their server for free using a 1-800 number. Dev also swaps the stock market in game so poke balls are $1M and rare candy is $1.
Users max out their pokemon with diabeetus so fast to lvl 100 that the promotional lvl 125 pokemon in beta are outmatched.
Game is never heard from again.