>>48816073Here's my proposal to fix Mega evolution, if anyone cares.
1) New Megas are now reserved for evolutionary lines with 3 stage evolutionary lines and legendaries. Everyone else gets regular evolutions. So in each new gen, you'll see a combination of new Megas and cross-gen evolutions. The vast majority of new Megas still go to underpowered mons (i.e., Beedrill instead of Garchomp).
2) Collecting Mega Stones for different Pokemon was an awkward process. Two possible solutions: Either make a general-purpose Mega Stone item that any Pokemon can hold, or distribute the Megas Stones via a process similar to Max Raids, with you having to defeat powered-up wild Megas to take their Mega Stones. These "Mega Raids" would have to be as accessible and repeatable as Max Raids.
3) Give Pokemon unable to Mega Evolve an equivalent stat-boosting superstate. I propose boosting all of a Pokemon's base stats by 10, plus 20 bonus points to whatever stat of theirs is personally the highest (not necessarily their highest base stat). Call it a Mega Boost or something. If you have one general-use Mega Stone, just make Mega Boosting accessible by attaching it to Pokemon that can't Mega Evolve.
4) I could write about my ideas of how to refine Z-Moves, but I think they should've also been a permanent addition to the battle mechanics, not only to serve as a nice contrast to Mega Evolutions, but also to serve as a check against them.