>>48833571>CloverThis is where RR stole it's Trainer AI from. Possible to beat the game without breeding for IVs, EV training, or being too particular about natures because most mons have very workable stats and Abilities.
Pretty fun all around even if you don't like the memes.
>UnboundI don't know if it uses RR/Clover AI, but the AI on the highest difficultly will read your inputs and react appropriately. Also the game gives the boss battles unfair advantage states over the player on the highest difficultly.
If you can beat RR/Clover then you need to use shitmons because even the highest difficultly won't be much more than a minor annoyance at times (because by now you should have learned to exploit the AI even without boosting moves/weather/trick room, etc).
>Renegade PlatinumNo AI Evs, Trainer AI isn't on par with RR or Clover even though it
shamelessly reads your inputs (it never switches to take advantage).
So easy all around if you pay attention, unlikely to be fully brain-dead experience if you aren't hunting the highest strongest mons you can find.
Obviously if you're dumb enough to IV/EV train or over level the its the same as playing a normal Pokemon game
>>48833084 is a retard, because top tier BST means shit if you have a proper move sets and a working brain. At worst he'd need a defensive pivot or two on the team. He's right that any regular trainers without a full team are easy though.