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No.48846161 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fan since Gen 1 that bowed out during Sun/Moon & never even bothered with Let's Go or Sword & Shield because they felt like GameFreak was going backwards (again). Especially with dropping Mega Evolutions for Dynamax and Sun/Moon having worse online than ORAS/XY.

Would I like the Diamond & Pearl remakes? I like

>A focus on Battling and post-game (like Pokemon Stadium, Battle Frontier, etc)
>Convenient EV training/checking
>Easy level 100 (creating bases in ORAS with triple Blissy was a godsend)
>Speedy reaction time from game (basically the opposite of the original releases from Diamond/Pearl where everything took forever for no reason)

I understand most of the Platinum upgrades are gone and TMs are single use again (but are re-earnable?)

And how does Pokemon Storage even work anymore? I understand Bank's been replaced with Home. I feel so out of the series now.