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No.48867471 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The reason you guys are dooming so much about BDSP while the rest of the world enjoys them is because you are all idiots who expect way more than what the Switch can run or any company with a yearly release schedule can do. You want literally every mechanic, extra regions, all 1000 Pokemon, HD graphics, 60fps, autistic Radical Red-tiered difficulty, and for it to be a full 3D game. All these expectations from a kids game mind you. I have yet to see anyone prove me wrong outside of "HURR DURR THEY JUST EXPECT MORE THAN GARBAGE" or if you tell them to play something else you're met with "IT'S THE ONLY GOOD MONSTER CATCHING GAME."

BDSP feel more like Pokemon games than any Pokemon game since, well, the original Diamond and Pearl, and that's why they're outselling Swoosh. Oh, and all the people who think BDSP should be lower than $60 because "better" games are also $60--you clearly have no idea how the industry works. $60 is the standard price for a brand new AAA game no matter what the quality is. There are better $60 games than BDSP and there are many that are far worse.

I have about 40 hours played between the two games and I've enjoyed how faithful they are to the originals (sometimes almost to a fault). If you know what you're getting into, and you like classic Pokemon, you'll like them.