>>48872283>>48872314The fundamental differences between the 2D style differences and 3D style differences are
>2D is fundamentally easier to polish, stylize, and make visually appealing than 3D is. There's a reason that pixel indie games are a dime a dozen compared to their 3D counterparts.>the spriting between the 2D styles is still consistent enough that the transition between chibi to realistic proportions feels natural.>hardware limitations of older consoles made committing purely to the more realistic proportions impossible. meanwhile we have already had two entire switch games in an actually consistent style>the 2D games didn't lazily keep the overworld pokemon models at the exact same proportions and make them jarringly tiny like with Gyarados and Rayquaza.>the 2D games used the chibi style to convey stylistically convey distance from the camera, whereas the chibi of the remakes has countless closeups to the tiny models that more or less burst this illusion entirely, which would not be as much of a problem if the models weren't so noticeably lowpoly You're so desperate for an argument that you're trying to take two completely different things and act like they're identical by looking for only a couple of superficial similarities