Welcome to the Item, Berry, and soon TM emporium
-I know this may be redundant because of cloning and duping and the likes, but still, if you need it, I (probably) have it
-Competitive battling berries such as Lum, Yache, Chesto, etc.
-I don't have anything that's already hatched, but I can breed 5IV Jolly HA Gibles, 5 IV HA Chimchars, Moon Ball Timid Gastly, 5IV Adamant Seadra in Dive Balls, Timid Togepi, 5 IV Jolly Bagon in Lure Balls, 5 IV Jolly Murkrow, Love Ball Cleffa
Looking For:
Someone to tell me which Underground biome has a Buneary
Any grass type starter
Any water type starter (Except Totodile)
If you don't have anything I'm looking for, I'm not above giving for giving's sake. So feel free to just say if you want something
>>48881684Sure thing, code is this post number