>>48888034The real thing is the use of false perspective as well demonstrated by Spiritomb, there are designs that don't work in 3d because there's not really a good way to connect the parts without 2d tricks.
Seriously, there's not a single traditional animation effect *nobody* has figured out how to do with 3d models... But the more of that you build in, the more of a pain it is to work with, and being stuck with *true* perspective is a hinderance to some.
>>48888044Particle designer? For XY? Making every move in the game natively adjust to its firing platform? *You fucking serious mate*?
We are not talking "only a retard would screw it up". We are talking the entirely sensible matter of Moves being designed in isolation, or for a single specific Pokemon, then ending up clipping or disjointed on a model they were not designed alongside.
Or the attachment being a late-phase decision so all the Move effects are designed for the fixed coordinates and have to be ad-hoc adjusted to go on a specific bone, demanding an active correction scheme either devouring a sizable amount of man-hours or precious hardware resources on runtime.
It's easy to give suggestions in hindsight. But when you're making the move to 3d *for the first time*, you're answering the questions of how far you want to go in detail in the middle of working on it, meaning any time there's a disjoint in what you've done and what you want to do you need to spend extra effort fixing that.
And since Game Freak *outsourced the Pokemon models themselves* because they had no experience with it, there was no point at which the models and Moves were done together to match up properly. Any "particle designer" had no contact with the people making the animation skeletons.