[16 / 5 / ?]
>be me >play swsh >beat the game, beat the battle tower, now want to get into online >have to go breed, grind EVs, grind bottle caps, nature mints, TRs, etc etc etc >takes fucking FOREVER >on top of this i kind of want shinies so I opt for that, of course get nothing >check the clock, it's 7 pm, I started at 8 am >whole fucking day wasted >sigh, then get on my computer >download pkhex >instantly give myself 6 battle ready mons, max EV'd and IV'd with perfect natures, abilities, everything, then give myself several boxes of them >make every single one of them shiny >takes all of 5 minutes to then get them onto my game >shower, dress up, then head out to the bar with mates like a normal human being who can enjoy life - get to shag one of the girls there, she even let me finish inside Is there any better feeling? Anybody else have fun Pokemon related stories?
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fucking normalfags...
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believable until >shower
Why don't "competitive" Pokesharts just play some fucking simulator where they can just edit Pokemon to be perfect
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>>48891856 >why don't people go on a website where you get constantly stalked by numerous tranny child groomers Anonymous
>>48890926 How do you use pkhex but also go online?
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>>48890926 The frog is always a sign the thread is shitpost
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>>48892449 By not being a retard, that shit isn't complicated.
>>48890926 >>takes fucking FOREVER No it doesn't.
Why do pokemon "fans" complain about not having enough to do but refuse to play the game correctly?
>>48892811 Silence breedcuck, the injectchad is speaking.
>>48892823 Silence injectcuck, the breedchad is speaking.
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People who care about "competitive" pokemon are the most obvious shitters I've ever met. Also caring about EV IVs are cringe
>>48892836 >breedchad Shit where is he? Is he here with the unicorns and flying pigs?
>>48892823 >>48892852 Injectecel
>submits to instant gratification >completely disrespected by half the community he takes part of >zero patience >unable to control his desires enough, grows fat from too much eating >ends up getting the death sentence because "Lol! I'm not a moralfag" >pretends like he is getting something important done by cheating:is just another no name doing battle he will forget in an hour >disposable pokemon games him unable to grow a friendship with them >parents are disappointed knowing that their son cheats in a children's pixel collection franchise. >imagines Sisyphus as a seething, whiny manchild who endlessly complains about how long it takes him to carry his rock up a hill despite knowing he will have to do it again in a week. >"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! IMAGINE SPENDING YOUR LIFE RUNNING AROUND A CIRCLE INFINITELY!!" BreedCHAD
>resists his worldly desires to the point of having complete free will over his actions >admired by the community for not only raising organic mons, but also beating the injectecel despite his extra hours of "training" >profound patience >lean and healthy from him occasionally giving up food and water to further strengthen his mental resistance. >Ends up a billionaire for his motto "Slow and Steady wins the race." >Realizes that the reward of good battle mons is not the goal as his ability to journey is the true reward >Treats every pokemon he uses as a gift and nicknames them to remember his moments of his own journey. >Parents die in peace knowing that their son has adopted the patience, perseverance and integrity taught into him >imagines Sisyphus as happy >"I realize that everyone, not only me, walks around in a cricle infinitely. For every man no matter the wealth wakes up, drinks and sleeps everyday. This circle is what keeps us healthy. However it is up to a man to perceive this circle, this world, as happy or depressing. So how can one seek intellectual superiority when he is merely walking on a tiny blue ball? Anonymous
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>>48892860 Tl;dr
Dilate tranny
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>>48892860 >breedcel >wastes his time on a lottery simulator because he's afraid of the outside world >because his brain is burned out on the dozens of hours he's spent looking for shinies he can't win a single battle >can't bring himself to orgasm quickly, is considering trooning out >obese and smallcocked from all the potato chips and McDonald's he shoved down his mouth while breeding >ends up mooching off mummy and daddy and their will money until he dies of heart attack by 45 when he stands up for the first time in months to get his charger >realizes he's wasted his entire life and avoiding diabetes doing meaningless bullshit >treats every digital animal made of 0s and 1s like they're the friends he's never had, even when he tosses out the latest batch of breedjects >parents adopt a son that doesn't make him vomit to look at >is considered the nadir of Western society and culture in a Derridan sense - believes in old myths written by pedophiles to heighten his sense of grandeur and delusions >"PWWEEEEAASE PWEASE HAB THE ROIGHT ABILITY NOOOOOOO NOT A FUCKING NON-SHWINY RRRRAAAAAGGGH NOOOO I BROKE MY SWITCH MOM STOP FUCKING THE LOCAL NIGGERS AND BUY ME A NEW ONE NAAAAOOOOO" >injectGODS >is punctual, to the point, a nonlinear being in the form of a man >has infinite curiosity and love for chaos, life, and change, discards useless traits like patience >indulges in the ambrosia of the living, bedazzles himself with the riches and aphasia of Mother Earth >loves all of God's creatures, including humanity and AI >everything he creates is precious and perfect, made in His image, no settling for less >nothing is disposable to him - he views everything on an infinite continuum that insists upon itself and interlocks perfectly within a beautiful logical matrix >is the Absolute; the Monad; the Arbiter; the One >gets to be all this because he's had sex and wasn't fiddling with his kids toys for over 10 hours a day >"sure am glad I'm not like that guy lmao"