[7 / 3 / ?]
Quoted By: >>48895012 >>48895953 >>48897590
You shouldn't blame me! This is /vp/'s dream, /vp/'s desire, /vp/'s destiny! To compete, to envy, to hate each other, and to devour one another!
But you're too late, /vp/. You see... I am the product of all of this, that's how I know! I know your will be swallowed by the bias and unfairness you have created!
Suspicion, ignorance, prejudice, the dark emotions directed at those pokemon who can be loved but you don't. If love is the brightest light, then are these emotions created from the shadow it casts? Things that are different, things we don't understand, differences that foster anxiety, leading to hatred, and ultimately...confrontation.
If it's my fate to be shot down by you, I thought this place would be appropriate... However, it doesn't look like there's any chance of that happening. After all, how could the child ever hope to defeat the parent!?
I am he, that arrogant fool, who thought he could thwart bias itself with his posts. You will keep focusing on trivial matters, little children, humans in animal suits, and forget those who truly care about you.
Justice and faith! Ignorance and escapism! The mods never learn! they never listen! We have reached the end of that path! There is no way to prevent it now! /vp/ is vanquished, at last! Just as they deserve!
Do you think you can change what's about to happen?! Nobody can do anything about it. The whirlpool of bestiality and sinful lusting is engulfing the board!
Oh /vp/, what a disappointment you were.
Go ahead, /vp/, be conceited! Enjoy it while you can.
But you're too late, /vp/. You see... I am the product of all of this, that's how I know! I know your will be swallowed by the bias and unfairness you have created!
Suspicion, ignorance, prejudice, the dark emotions directed at those pokemon who can be loved but you don't. If love is the brightest light, then are these emotions created from the shadow it casts? Things that are different, things we don't understand, differences that foster anxiety, leading to hatred, and ultimately...confrontation.
If it's my fate to be shot down by you, I thought this place would be appropriate... However, it doesn't look like there's any chance of that happening. After all, how could the child ever hope to defeat the parent!?
I am he, that arrogant fool, who thought he could thwart bias itself with his posts. You will keep focusing on trivial matters, little children, humans in animal suits, and forget those who truly care about you.
Justice and faith! Ignorance and escapism! The mods never learn! they never listen! We have reached the end of that path! There is no way to prevent it now! /vp/ is vanquished, at last! Just as they deserve!
Do you think you can change what's about to happen?! Nobody can do anything about it. The whirlpool of bestiality and sinful lusting is engulfing the board!
Oh /vp/, what a disappointment you were.
Go ahead, /vp/, be conceited! Enjoy it while you can.