>>48933903Tell me me, manchild. When your kids come asking you for food and the wife (inb4 "lol yeah like that's ever gonna happen") tells you your wageslave income isn't enough, what are you going to tell them, my dear neet? That at least you aren't greedy like the evilerino corporations? I know you want pokemon to be good again, but that's not gonna happen, at least not because of your whining on 4chan. I'm trying to save you time here, just face the fact that you are giving away your most valuble asset, your time, for free, to randoms on the internet that have nothing to do with how the games are made. Do you use this place as your drug to cope with your real life issues? 'Cause you might as well use that time making your own bussiness and start making even more money than you'll ever make as an employee.
Money isn't just about "muh greed". It's a way for you to show those that you love that you are working hard and that you'll do anything for them. Ofc there's also other things you must do to show them you care for them, but the romantization of relationships that we see in movies often demonizes money, have you thought that maybe, just maybe, it's because the people who invest in the production of said media want you, the middle class man, to stay a cog in the machine for the rest of your life? Wild, isn't it?