>>48925871I see what you're saying.
I think I would reshape it (without necessarily changing underlying topology yet). I would disrupt the symmetry of the shape as well as make some places a little farther apart, some a little closer together. The map being less symmetrical helps support the feeling of each place being distinctive or unique.
I would also consider altering the topology somewhat. Maybe making some routes one-way, maybe cut or reroute others.
It's difficult to explain, but I think there should be more diversity to how interconnected or how dead-endish some places are. It helps support the feeling that some places are lively hub cities while others are far-away little settlements. Not that you have to be "realistic" (pokemon isn't), but cities/towns/villages IRL have a kind of hierarchical structure to their networks.
Anyway that's how I feel about it. Without playing it it's hard to say how exactly it will *feel*, maybe it would be fine as is. But consider as an extreme example: if all the important locations were nodes on a prefect grid... it would feel dull right?
tl;dr I think every town having 3 connections and being almost uniformly spaced is a bit much. If some routes are more difficult or are gated, maybe it'd be fine though.
t. opinion-haver