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Who also fell for the Unova meme?

No.48957913 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Used to skip every other region
>Almost gave up on the series because of how shitty X&Y was

>Play S&M by pure chance, just because my friend gave me a copy
>Enjoy it a lot
>For the first time, the region feels like what it's supposed to represent
>The story is actually good, also for the first time
>Sweet Pokedex, Alolan forms are all great
>Some of the best girls in Pokemon History
>A bunch of QOL features the games should have had since D&P

>Play Sw&Sh
>The game is super rough around the edges but also extremely addictive
>Seeing Pokemon in the overworld made you want to catch them even more
>A drop system that lets you acquire and have fun items that used to be relegated to post-game shops
>Dynamax battles were easy but still felt incredible

>Dust off my old DSi and finally get a copy of B&W expecting the best fucking game in the series because that's what all the overly critical people here say
>The region is bland as fuck
>The worst fucking pokedex I have ever seen
>Forced to fight fucking pigeons for the entirety of the game
>The game goes out of its way to waste your fucking time in every ppssible way:
>Refuses to give you enough money which means that you're forced to backtrack to the pokemon center each time you get low on HP/PP
>Can not enter the menu without turning off the fucking item detector and having to turn it back on from the bag
>Random encounters with faggot pigeons every 2 steps into the grass
>Have to constantly waste time switching pokemon I don't fucking care about to level them up
>Can't even replace my current pokemon with a caught one without having to drag my ass to the PC
>And even the act of switching requires two separate actions from you, each equipped with unneeded prompts
>The characters look like fucking trash and the story is yet another archaic shitfest about a cartoon villain team

Yeah, nah, fuck you, /vp/.