>>48983667The only reasons not to allow it would be to preserve the rarity of certain combinations - anything in an apricorn ball is pretty rare and dream ball is basically unobtainable now, plus certain pokemon that only come in regular balls as gifts that take a lot of breeding to pass on the ball you want it in - or to maintain the validity of legality checks since I'd imagine swapping your legendary handout from a cherish ball into something else would make it seem suspicious at the very least and get caught by the filter as a false positive at worst. Of course both of those are null arguments because you can already inject whatever you want and outside of strict communities where you know everyone is only trading legit mons anything worth trading for is more likely hacked than not and being mass injected into the wonder trade/gts servers, plus the games' filter is incredibly lax about what it'll let through and even in their official competitive tournaments they don't care how hacked it is as long as the moves and abilities are legal.