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No.48995799 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: We turn irl animals into Pokemon
Give them a type, abilities, stats, lvl-up movepool, and/or whatever tf you feel like. Can be as close to the irl animal, or as loosely-inspired as you want

I'll start:

Cape Buffalo:
Type: Dark
Abilities: Anger Point/Analytic/(HA)Rock Head
Stats: 105/115/105/40/75/75/BST:515
Lvl-Up Movepool:
Lvl 1: Tackle
Lvl 3: Leer
Lvl 6: Odor Sleuth
Lvl 10: Pursuit
Lvl 15: Horn Attack
Lvl 19: Revenge
Lvl 22: Work Up
Lvl 27: Payback
Lvl 31: Take Down
Lvl 35: Scary Face
Lvl 39: Bulk Up
Lvl 42: Play Rough
Lvl 47: Megahorn
Lvl 51: Double-Edge
Lvl 55: Wild Charge
Lvl 61: Throat Chop
Lvl 66: Head Smash