>>49009754Look, OP. I'm a massive Typhlosionfag. He's been my bro since the days as a wee kid playing Crystal for hours on end throughout the summer holidays. I love Typhlosion to death. But we gotta come to some harsh realities.
>copy pasted Charizards stats>despite being the volcano Pokemon doesn't learn Earth Power>the only thing he's ever been known for is scarf Eruption, his one gimmick since Gen 4 that's never changed>missed out on a mega, a unique Z move, a hidden ability that would actually matter and a gigantamax form>got cut from SwSh>has been outclassed both competitively and ingame by every other fire type starterI'm sorry bro but... It's time to look past the nostalgia. And don't get me started on the unfortunate case of the other two Johto starter bros. We're the underdog. Our only salvation is Legends.