>>49086352Nah, her Ghastly, and he tried as well
"I mean, I don't mind you following me, but can you at least look away when I am in the john or when I'm checking memes on /vp/"
>"Ghasss....""I promise I don't see any other girls. The board may be lewd as fuck, but most is just either Cynthia, Dawn, or pure cookies."
>"Ghass... Ghastly""Yeah, I understand missing your dick. I though being a pokemon ghost would be cool, but I guess is as bad as being alive, huh?"
>"Ghastly! Ghass, Ghastly.""I see... you know what? She stomps our balls a lot. Want to take the lead when she wants another "gf cuddle" for me?"
>"Ghastly!""Alright! Just... don't yell out your name when you nut, or you soon will have a new team member."