I started with Diamond, but like Sapphire more.
Assuming the remakes of gen 1 and 2 don't count.
Gen 3:
>better map and exploration
>cooler Pokemon overall
>Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza are better looking box legendaries
>overall better legenedaries
>braille mechanic was neat
>I like team Aqua and Magma over Galactic, even more so for the remade designs
>a lot of good music
Gen 4:
>Cynthia and her themes
>better sprites
>overall better designed gym leaders
>love the new evolutions for old mons
>Cyrus is a cooler team boss
>3 waifus (Cynthia, Fantina, Gardenia), vs gen 3's 1 waifu (Flannery)
>all the starters are good, and every one is better than gen 3's
>gave me 3 of my favorite mons (Garchomp, Empoleon, Dialga), vs 2 in gen 3 (Kyogre, Metagross)