>>49056663>Exactly and those adults just don't have the imagination like those kids have, they can only make elemental animals. They're designers, developers, marketing professionals, etc. etc. They're trained/it's their fucking JOB to be imaginative and/or do the research into what's most popular among fans. It's the adult FANBASE that loses their creativity/imagination and desire more boring elemental cartoon animals.
>Even you've fallen prey to the autism, once you become an adult you just can't understand blobs and combining two animals together the same way kids can. You're doing your schizo shtick again. The whole premise of my argument, as an artist btw, is that adult Pokemon fans tend to prefer elemental cartoon animals over ambiguous monster designs (in response to a post about monsters). By virtue of that statement, it stands to reason I have some understanding of the ambiguous monsters I'm fucking advocating for.
On that note, you're either strawmanning or seem too think I dislike elemental cartoon animals. I don't. In fact, one of my favorite Pokemon since gen 1 is one of them. This, however, does not detract from my opinion that elemental cartoon animals are all most adult fans seem to want anymore, as evidenced by this thread, with some anons going "lol I want a purple elephant haha." We can have a good mixture of both types of designs, or is that too ambiguous for you?