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Which Generation has the best Ice-types

No.49066984 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a continuation of threads to find the best types of each region, this was yesterday's thread

Gen 3 has now won best Grass-types.
Gen 5 has now won best Fire-types.
Gen 1 has won best Water-types.
Gen 5 has won best Bug-types.
Gen 4 has won best Flying-types.
Gen 1 has won best Normal-types.
Gen 5 has won best Dark-types.
Gen 1 has won best Poison-types.
Gen 4 has won best Electric-types.
Gen 4 has won best Ground-types.

Gen 4 has earthquake'd it's self to the top.

Things are getting cold today. Which Generation has the overall best Ice-types?