>>49071811>It had by far the best storyThe story is objectively worse than Gen 7.
>it was all around solid with a good variety for every type and in general most pokemon are viable battle wiseIf we're following this argument then any game with a larger regional dex than gen 5 has a better dex.
>The region is well designedFucking how? It's a railroaded line with landmarks arbitrarily sprinkled across it. It takes no effort to design.
>New areas to exploreHow arbitrarily locking areas to after the credits a good thing?
>a new side-plotThat's more shallow than gen 4, 6, 7 and 8's post-game plots?
>battle facilitiesThat are worse than the ones in gen 3, 4, and 6?
>Gameplay wise is also the bestNo it isn't. Animations and QoL like reusable TMs matters to you then how is Gen 8 not the best?
>From Gen 6 on wards obviously new features have been added but a lot of them made the game easierThen why is Gen 7 significantly harder than Gen 5?
>it's one of the more challenging gensWhat? No it isn't. The gyms and E4 have pathetic teams and the level curve + free lucky egg make it ridiculously easy to overlevel multiple Pokemon, ON TOP of the level up movepools on some Pokemon being absolutely broken. Like why the fuck is Darumaka able to use FLARE BLITZ at lv33?
Why frame this as objective when you're not even trying to have any consistent standard? Your standards are so low and vague that every game may as well be S tier.