>>49096344Same "too big to fail" problem that the rest of the franchise has. Can't go taking chances now that they're a burfillion dollar corporation. I'd be willing to bet rough drafts for the main story have been submitted where the friendly rival straight up becomes an admin/leader of the bad guy team only to get shitcanned by market research saying everybody needs to be happy happy fun time friends or else the kiddies won't buy the games. PLA has a small amount of potential to actually break away from this 25 year old formula of:
>i am le yung boi>i go on adventure>i kick the shit out of my rival constantly and they end up as my cheerleader>oh no team _________ is doing thing even though their reasoning is retarded>oh cool they were all pushovers>LEGENDARY POKOMON?!?!?!?!>elite four time>I wonBut then again people thought S/M was going to break the formula because "look guys no gyms" and then SWSH was going to break the formula because "look guys wild area is totally not a really wide route, also no elite four just a piss easy tournament against people and types that you've already beaten easily" so my hopes aren't high.
TL;DR: Market research and TPC/GF execs have no balls.