Electabuzz (w/ evolve item cool but not necessary)
Magmar (w/ evolve item cool but not necessary)
Sun Stone***
King's Rock***
Any Pokémon that can guarantee a 100 win streak in the Battle Tower
4x Ditto (Shiny, French, 6 IV, Modest, Imposter)
Dratini (Shiny, 5 IV less attack, Modest, Marvel Scale, Egg Moves, Love Ball)
Cyndaquil (Shiny, 6 IV, Adamant, Flash Fire, Egg Moves, Love Ball)
Gligar (Shiny, 6 IV, Adamant, Hyper Cutter, Egg Moves, Luxury Ball)
Stantler (Shiny, 6 IV, Adamant, Intimidate, Egg Moves, Luxury Ball)
Treecko (Shiny, 6 IV, Modest, Overgrow, Egg Moves, Friend Ball)
Torchic (Shiny, 6 IV, Adamant, Speed Boost, Egg Moves, Fast Ball)
Bagon (Shiny, 6 IV, Modest, Rock Head, Egg Moves, Luxury Ball)
Beldum (Shiny, 5 IV less speed, Adamant, Clear Body, Egg Moves, Heavy Ball)
Piplup (Shiny, 6 IV, Adamant, Defiant, Egg Moves, Heavy Ball)
I can breed any National Dex Pokémon
1x Brave Mint
5x Moon Stone
18x Water Stone
11x Leaf Stone
3x Shiny Stone
4x Dusk Stone
1x Root Fossil
3x Dome Fossil
1x Old Amber
10x Armor Fossil
***what I need the most