>>49146789Maybe the gameplay will be good. Maybe.
Maybe it'll be fun and a unique addition to the franchise. Maybe.
But not a single fucking one of you can deny how absolute shit this game looks in comparison to OTHER SWITCH TITLES. It's ridiculous how actually bad it is, down to fixable aspect like lighting and even random rotation for the foliage. It's just downright lazy and the fact that a gamecube title looks leagues better than a game coming out more than 20 years later is asinine.
>But anon, it's done in the style of a Japanese scroll/watercolor!So is Okami. Looks better.
>But anon it's a small team please understandI've seen better shit come out of one single person.
>The switch can't handle it!Dragon Quest 11 is on the switch and looks leagues better. Even the New Pokemon Snap, a Pokemon title, an offshoot, looks better.
I just fucking hope they'll do ANYTHING to fix how shit it looks, but they won't, because you're all buying it as is, and so is everyone else.