>>49160700The only cope is manchildren who forgot the wolrd presented to them was so much more technologiclly advanced, never mind the canon time-travel fuckery that pokémon were able to pull on a whium somehow means the game series set about 120-100 years in the past is bad for having a smartphone, yet don't explain where the technological device that Kurt, the artisan pokéball maker claims to put in every ball to make it work as a pokéball came from.
Couldn't be a bunch of 20-something manchildren being reminded their kiddy game series is still a kiddy game series, no has to be they're pissed at the furutristic tech in a past setting, despite that past settingneeding SOME kind of technological advances to be able to invent stable time machines in their modern era.
Or as some fuckers far greater than me once said: "If you're wondering how and why it works in the past, And other science facts. Then repeat to yourself: 'It's just a video game, I should really just relax!". I've also said before, they're deliberately NOT saying anything about this shit, yet deliberately mentiond it as being in-game. They're gonna explain how and why it's there, they're going to have a point to it. But given how you're chhimping out over it now, it's unlikely you're going to accept that explanation and are going to continue to cry you didn't get your weeb incel period-correct pogeymans game regardless. Kill yourself incel, the franchise doesn't care about you and this place is chock-full of dittos like you.