[9 / 3 / ?]
Quoted By: >>49174406
>The Pokémon distribution is garbage, every route has the same Pokémon available
First off, every game before gen 6 have a similar distribution. For an example, Pidgeotto and Raticate appeared in pretty much every route on Kanto and there's a similar case for Johto and Hoenn.
The Platinum regional dex was also one of the best at the time the game released, because it had a great selection of viable Pokémon to be used in the game. Both the Hoenn dex and the Johto dex that came before had a bunch of gimicky or unviable Pokémon. Every Pokémon added in Platinum (except for Tropius, maybe) could be used as a good option on a playthrough and even the DP dex had some pretty good options. I'm not saying the Platinum dex was perfect, but it's pretty clear it was on par (if not better) than the dexes from previous generations.
Not only that, but in Platinum a bunch of routes have some unique encounter besides the usual Bibarel, Luxio and Staravia. It makes sense that the more unique encounters will be harder to find, and this is why a lot of the commom mons repeat through the game. You'll just need to look harder in order to find the rarer Pokémon. For instance, here are a few examples of good lines (other than the usual Starly, Bidoof, Shinx, Machop, Geodude, Onix, Meditite and so on) that are well distributed on the region, albeit rarer to find: Eterna Forest (Gastly and Hoothoot), Mt. Coronet (Feebas and Absol), Route 206 (Gligar), Wayward Cave (Gible), Route 208 (Ralts), Route 209 (Chansey, Duskull and Spiritomb), Route 210 (Scyther), Route 215 (Marill and Licktung), Route 214 (Houndour, Hipoppotas and Rhyhorn), Great March (Skorupi, Yanma and Tangela), Route 212 (Croagunk), Fuego Ironworks (Magmar), Iron Island (Steelix, a trade evolution), Route 222 (Electabuzz and Magneton), . That's just a few examples, and I'm not even counting all the great gift Pokémon available (Togepi, Eevee, Porigon and Riolu), all of which are great to use in a playthrough.
First off, every game before gen 6 have a similar distribution. For an example, Pidgeotto and Raticate appeared in pretty much every route on Kanto and there's a similar case for Johto and Hoenn.
The Platinum regional dex was also one of the best at the time the game released, because it had a great selection of viable Pokémon to be used in the game. Both the Hoenn dex and the Johto dex that came before had a bunch of gimicky or unviable Pokémon. Every Pokémon added in Platinum (except for Tropius, maybe) could be used as a good option on a playthrough and even the DP dex had some pretty good options. I'm not saying the Platinum dex was perfect, but it's pretty clear it was on par (if not better) than the dexes from previous generations.
Not only that, but in Platinum a bunch of routes have some unique encounter besides the usual Bibarel, Luxio and Staravia. It makes sense that the more unique encounters will be harder to find, and this is why a lot of the commom mons repeat through the game. You'll just need to look harder in order to find the rarer Pokémon. For instance, here are a few examples of good lines (other than the usual Starly, Bidoof, Shinx, Machop, Geodude, Onix, Meditite and so on) that are well distributed on the region, albeit rarer to find: Eterna Forest (Gastly and Hoothoot), Mt. Coronet (Feebas and Absol), Route 206 (Gligar), Wayward Cave (Gible), Route 208 (Ralts), Route 209 (Chansey, Duskull and Spiritomb), Route 210 (Scyther), Route 215 (Marill and Licktung), Route 214 (Houndour, Hipoppotas and Rhyhorn), Great March (Skorupi, Yanma and Tangela), Route 212 (Croagunk), Fuego Ironworks (Magmar), Iron Island (Steelix, a trade evolution), Route 222 (Electabuzz and Magneton), . That's just a few examples, and I'm not even counting all the great gift Pokémon available (Togepi, Eevee, Porigon and Riolu), all of which are great to use in a playthrough.