>Kanto Route 1
5/10. It's okay, if a little dated. It teaches you the basics and that's all it needs to do.
>Johto Route 29
9/10. Amazing first route. Rewards you for exploring with the item in the corner, teaches you to use ledges to avoid the grass, has an apricorn tree, and the best part is that it connects to Route 46, allowing you to catch Geodude or Phanpy early.
>Hoenn Route 101
1/10. Pathetic. A downgrade from Route 29 in every way.
>Sinnoh Route 201
7.5/10. Good starter route. Nothing too much to say about it. I like how it connects to Verity Lakefront.
>Unova Route 1
6/10. I like how it connects to the surf route, making it the second first route with worthwhile backtracking since Johto Route 29, however, it's just too simple. I do like the visuals though.
>Kalos Route 1
0/10. No.
>Alola Route 1
8/10. It's sad that this is the best route in the entire game. I like how natural and open it feels, and how it connects up to the areas around it seamlessly.
>Galar Route 1
0/10. Another downgrade. Also possibly the worst roadblock in all of Pokémon.