>>49235855Ask the /mon/ general on /vrpg/
>I hate collecting creatures I hate friendshipSMT is pretty much up your alley, for the most part. They're only useful for a certain amount of time until they don't learn any new decent skills, many of them can end up as fusions fodder, you can make them join you by just cheating them during negotiation, sometimes during fights they beg to not get killed and ask to join you instead, you're encouraged to keep fusing them for new ones once they're no longer useful. In the earlier games they don't even level up.
The OVA adaptation of the book that inspired the first game has a protag who's basically a school shooter that summons demons to rape his teacher. IVA has some of the worst writing but you can kill your friends and one of the plot important demons hates friends and you can kill your alleys for different demons.
The "edginess" of the series is a stereotype though, some games has as much goofy shit as edgy shit.
But there are a lot of fairies and dragons and ghosts and shit though