[39 / 6 / ?]
546KiB, 720x480, title00.mkv_snapshot_05.40_[2018.11.26_02.14.59].png
Quoted By: >>49238600 >>49238641 >>49240054 >>49241101 >>49241114 >>49242467 >>49242515 >>49242891 >>49245529 >>49246495 >>49246667 >>49246674 >>49246688 >>49246689 >>49248035
>Be 30
>Already had my "so done with game freak" phase over 10 years ago
>Now I'm old and just have fun playing
>Don't get worked up over video games anymore
Life is good anons. Why are gen 5 kids so mad?
>Already had my "so done with game freak" phase over 10 years ago
>Now I'm old and just have fun playing
>Don't get worked up over video games anymore
Life is good anons. Why are gen 5 kids so mad?