Look at this franchise objectively. Take off your nostolgia glasses for 1 second and just give it a good, hard look. Pokemon is a series of extremely basic, repetitive JRPGs and have all and more of the drawbacks of that type of game. The combat is so simple a complete retard could figure it out. Do you know why that is? Because pokemon was made for retards who were too stupid to play complicated jrpgs like chrono trigger or final fantasy. Look at every single pokemon game ever released and compare it to actually good jrpgs. What is the best pokemon game. BW2? HGSS? Platinum? Emerald? Those are all excellent pokemon games. The key word being pokemon. Those games when compared to even a basic bitch game like final fantasy 7, a game that came out in 1997, cannot even compare 1/10th to that in terms of quality. Look at pokemon today. It's like star wars. It's a zombie franchise that has not made anything even resembling good in DECADES, yet continues to break sales records based purely on nostalgia alone. Pokemon games do not even need to be good, because you will buy the every shittier product anyway. It's the same thing with star wars or dragonball or marvel or DC or anything else that exists solely on its reputation in the nostalgia addicted heads of its fans to exist. Pokemon games on their own merits, cannot even begin to stand alone in the face of the literally thousands of other JRPG's. Yet pokemon wins out in the end because hundreds of millions of people around the world want to feel like a kid again. Its tragic. Pokemon is a good idea. It could be so much better. But it isnt, and it's (you)'re fault.