>>49253690It looks like a fun game and the recent trailers have done a good job at making me confident in purchasing the game. Am I 100% pleased with it and think there is little room for improvement? Fuck no. I definitely agree that the graphics aren't the greatest, especially from afar.
But close up, they look nice. I also think the gameplay trailer did a good job of explaining the very basic gameplay loop and a little more depth regarding some of the mechanics. I'm glad it didn't tell me too much more, despite some other anons wanting more information on "other parts of the game."
I think we've been teased quite a bit already and know there is more to the game, we just haven't been shown it. Things like those various landmarks and known Sinnoh locations (stark mountain) and the various clans, and how Arceus comes into play.
I think Pokemon has just been shifting towards telling consumers less and less before launch and it's throwing people off because the general shift in trailers is to tell people more and more. So when Pokemon decides to do the opposite, we just think there isn't much to the game. But recent pokemon releases should indicate otherwise, they they're just withholding information.