>>49270196Sonicfag here
Sega have been making this promise since the 00's, infact they say it every single time a new game is coming. Look it up yourself and you'll find tons of results, they even said it for Forces lol. It means absolutely nothing and anyone who is familiar with the series long term and why the series is the way it is (mostly staffing problems, the original staff left decades ago and the place is like a revolving door) knows this is going to be a flop just like the others. No one who knows how to actually make a game is left there any more, for fuck sake, they booted the mania team out as fast as they could seemingly and basically pretend like they never existed.
As for the new writer, I don't hate Flynn but his stories are not very good. He mostly cares about his perceived idea of what Sonic is and writes characters out of character a lot of the time compared to the games. Though this has been happening already in the games for some time now with Pontaff (you can see this in TSR where the japanese translation changed many interactions and things in the script to be completely different). Ultimately Flynn is held down by Sega and their mandates and as a result his stories have not been very good, especially his recent work in IDW which most people have dropped and stopped reading because nothing ever happens.
TLDR, don't believe Iizuka and his lies, they always say "this time it'll be better!", they are lying and anyone invested in this series long term knows that any meaningful change would require a complete restructure in how the series is ran and developed from top to bottom which will never happen and so the games will never be good or get any better. I've been playing since the 90's, came back here and there (generations and mania) and finally dropped it for good after Forces, Frontiers will be like all the other promises over the years, I guarantee it.