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Quoted By: >>49272489 >>49272490 >>49272498 >>49272506 >>49272598 >>49272739 >>49273686 >>49274100 >>49274288 >>49274616 >>49277139
just what the title says, this thread is for Pokemon that have been heartlessly overlooked in favor of others when being given attention by Gamefreak.
For my money the #1 offender has to be Butterfree. I mean damn, this is a gen 1 mon that is super iconic, and it has miserable stats, no signature ability, no signature item, and not signature move (other than Gigantamax but I don't care because Gigantamax sucks). Even Beedrill got a gimmicky but very fun mega-evolution. Why Beedrill before Butterfree? What is Beedrill other than the less lovable counterpart of Butterfree?
If it weren't for the legitimate love that gen 8 gave Farfetched, I think he still would have been the most unloved Pokemon, but thanks to the addition of Sirfetchd I think the title has to go to my guy Butterfree, which I think is a shame because it's been one of my favorites since gen 1. Even Raticate got a regional form. What gives, GF?
What do you think, /vp/? Who's your favorite unloved forgotten mon?
For my money the #1 offender has to be Butterfree. I mean damn, this is a gen 1 mon that is super iconic, and it has miserable stats, no signature ability, no signature item, and not signature move (other than Gigantamax but I don't care because Gigantamax sucks). Even Beedrill got a gimmicky but very fun mega-evolution. Why Beedrill before Butterfree? What is Beedrill other than the less lovable counterpart of Butterfree?
If it weren't for the legitimate love that gen 8 gave Farfetched, I think he still would have been the most unloved Pokemon, but thanks to the addition of Sirfetchd I think the title has to go to my guy Butterfree, which I think is a shame because it's been one of my favorites since gen 1. Even Raticate got a regional form. What gives, GF?
What do you think, /vp/? Who's your favorite unloved forgotten mon?