a Harvest Moon: AWL / Stardew Valley type farming game, but in the Pokemon world. Everyone has their 1 iconic Pokemon with them. There is only ONE Pokemon Trainer you ever meet, and you have to be high enough friendship levels with them to ever battle them. You choose your buddy pokemon before the beginning of the game through a personality quiz just like PMD games. None of them are starter pokemon btw, including eevee and pikachu. You can buy farm like pokemon and have them on your farm, like Miltanks, Mareeps, Combees, Duckletts, etc. Your mount (typically always a horse) is a Gogoat you help evolve from a Skiddo who has abandonment issues. You can have your farm animals breed for a chance for a shiny. The Skiddo is a random shiny you'll have to reset for. Random pokemon like Fletchlings, Bunearys, Furrets, Skwovets, etc can be on your farm for flavor and atmosphere.