>>49406396Some retard posted YGO cards a few threads ago and was (rightfully) met by other retards up in arms that it wasn't muh pocket monsters
Ygofag replied with something along the lines of
>well it's called Trading Card Collector General and these are my trading cardsThe next OP was made as /ptcc/ (i'll give you a guess at what it stood for)
When that thread neared bump limit, both the ygo retard and the purist pocket monster trading card game retard each made threads
Us conversing in this thread shows which one sunk
Personally i don't mind ygo as long as the majority of the thread isn't ygo. Let them have their space, they get kicked off of both /tg/ and /toy/ so where's a ygofag to go? We should welcome our fellow battle card game bretheren
Not mtg though fuck those fags