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No.49407837 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Risked her her relationship with her mother and welcome at the only home she's ever known to save a pokemon in pain
>Can acknowledge her weakness and limitations and does what she can
>Fails to protect Nebby, but doesn't cry or whine
>She recognizes her failure, and resolves to do better
>Does her best
>Learns to be brave and strong
>In the end, stands up to her crazy mother
>Even after their falling out, she only wants to save Lusamine
>Despite her limits, still has the courage to go on her own adventure in KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I don't get the hate at all. She goes through a genuine arc, one of, if not THE BEST character arc in the mainline games. She's a good girl with a good heart, and deserves none of the vitriol and hatred she receives. I can understand if you're not a fan, but to hate her is just undeserved!