>>49469992Actually experimenting with battles again instead of just tacking on gimmicks and that fail to even shake things up because they keep pushing more coverage and power creep.
Some attacks and abilities are just too good on some Pokemon that already have great stats.
So throwing nearly everything out and starting with a clean slate was a smart move because they can always bring abilities back after seeing where the chips fall and flesh things out again.
Ditching an obtuse and obfuscated means of manipulating stats for something transparent and easy and meaningful to engage in while playing the game rather than waiting until the post game to use strictly for online and a boring battle tower.
They've started giving Pokemon basic behaviours out in the field. Catching multiple pokemon is now less of a chore.
You don't have to rely on an NPC to change to monsters' move sets and can swap them on the fly from a learn set. Something trainera should have been able to just do for fucking ever. You have basic ways of using pokemon to interact with the world now, that really would be more interesting if they fleshed it out more.
PLA is baby steps towards getting the proper 3d rpg adventure game everyone's had in the back of their heads since they fell in love with the whole concept of catching, battling and exploring with pokemon. Only autists don't want the games to endeavor to deliver more on bringing those 3 core experiences closer together to bring their imagination to life into something they can pick up and play and lose themselves into for a while.
To reiterate, PLA is a more accurate representation of what running around a world filled with Pokemon would be than previous titles despite it own issues. It's shed a lot of baggage from previous titles that people have come to enjoy, but I think most people can appreciate that what PLA has can be built up from and don't want future titles to fall back into the same things they've been playing for 25 years.