>>49469168- fixation on pokemon trainers that aren't (You)
- a plethora of horribly designed pokemon
- a gimmick that makes anybody over the age of 7 visibly cringe while also shelving an actually good gimmick that players enjoyed called mega evolution
- characters that are jaw-droppingly bad and have zero motivation or any sense to their actions
- cutscenes every five steps
- even easier than their predecessors by a large margin
- completely removed dungeons and exploration, which at least were still present in X/Y
- doubled down on the handholding to an offensive extent
- second worst OST in the history of pokemon
- second worst character designs in the history of pokemon
- ultra-beasts
- ultra-space
- everything about aether foundation
- a horrible tie-in anime
I actually find it harder to name anything good about gen 8 aside from the fact that it ended