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No.49481903 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Excerpt of how Pokémon Green came to be:

>"Yep, that's me in the picture. I think it was '93. Fuck it, was it '94? Can't remember shit anymore. Back in the day Ishihara and I were snorting cocain like the plant was going extinct. It's all fuzzy."

>"I don't remember the time. I just know It was two weeks away from Pokémon Green coming out or whatever the name of the game was."

>"I was with Ishihara in a Shibuya apartment we had rented for cheap that used to be some child porn studio that got busted. Nintendo was pissed with us because we did not send them a beta test. Of course we didn't, the only thing we had of the game was a 60 lines .txt called 'New document'. None of us knew how to code and we still don't know."

>"It was around 15 afternoon, Ishihara and I were expecting a whore we had hired with the dev money we had scammed from Nintendo. So there I was on my couch, high out of my mind, when we hear a knock at the door. Fucking Ishihara goes all excited to open the door and when we see it, it is two suits coming up to chew us out. One of them is a Tokyo Uni nerd we scammed, called Tajiri; the other one was an old suit with a mullet called Iwata who turned my coke table over, saw that we had spent a total of 20 minutes working in his Pokéman game or whatever and swore 'that as long as he lives, he isn't allowing me to have control of shit ever again'."

>"At that point the Iwata dude was lucky. Were I not tripping, that shouting match could've ended in jail. I always had a loaded Nambo under my couch, Ishihara recalled, and for much less I had showed to people (...)."