>>49504738Backtracking as in going back to old areas with things I've already explored for the sole purpose of catching one new mon and getting the Lake gifts. By the time I was sent to the Lakes, I had already fully explored the areas around them since I went back to explore whenever I got a new rideable and went to fill out sidequests. It was no longer, "Oh look, Whiscash! I'll stop and catch some of those before I deal with Uxie". I already did it.
The most fun was being given a new landscape everytime I had to quell a Lord frenzy and being able to wander and see what was new to catch. By comparison, the Lake trials were dull, dragged on, and there was just too much back-and-forth of going to hideout... going to lake... going to hideout... going to lake.... going to hideout... going to MT..... going to village.... going to MT...
Going to Avalugg's arena, then to snowpoint, then back to Avalugg's arena for the fight is way more tolerable.