I'll be that guy.
>>49548524Meh, it feels a bit too empty.
>>49548893Surprisingly okay, but I agree with
>>49549177 on the eyes.
>>49548918This one's very good.
>>49548930Not bad
>>49548943Looks a bit too out there for an Eeveelution, but the design is solid.
>>49548963Obviously too similar to Eevee, but it's a cute design.
>>49549011This is a lot more believable, although I wish this art actually did a good job explaining the extra front legs.
>>49548977Not a bad design, but feels way too busy and distinct.
>>49548982Literally just a Glaceon in armor, although the sword tail isn't a bad idea.
>>49548990This angle seems almost too human for an Eeveelution, although it's a pretty good design on its own.
>>49548998Best one in the entire thread.
>>49549000Way too fucking busy. Not a big fan of this one, sorry.
>>49549026Eh, doesn't look like it has enough going on.
>>49549043Same issue as the ghost from this artist, but once again a neat design on its own.
>>49549063Not bad
>>49549077Appreciate the risks with this design, but it really does look kind of weird. The gloves and headband are implemented fairly well, however.
>>49549083Okay, this artist isn't bad, but their designs just seem too off for me to accept them as Eeveelutions.
>>49549101Too plain
>>49549112Okay, this one isn't bad.
>>49549120This one's cute as well.
>>49549127Not bad
>>49549141Way too busy
>>49549153This is just worse Vaporeon.
>>49549191What the hell is going on with this one? Not a fan.
>>49549236Don't hate it, but feels perpetually off.
>>49549260Some are certainly better than others, but I really like this artist's direction. Dragon is still the best, that said.
>>49549310Creative, but way too much going on.
>>49549430Not bad for a joke Eeveelution.
>>49549546Eh, don't feel these.
Oh yeah, Shiny poster is doing a great job. Keep it up.